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  • London, UK
  • Office time 9:30 - 18:00
    Monday to Friday

ICCMB 2021

ICCMB2021 | Virtual Conference

With much expectation, ICCMB 2021 was finally held successfully in virtual form during January 30 - February 1, 2021. Although unpleasant situation prevents us from gathering at beautiful Singapore, the conference was still activated by the warmness of participants!

Some participations with camera on

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Loon Ching TANG (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Shey-Huei Sheu (Asia University, Taiwan)

ICCMB 2021 Excellent Oral Presentation Winners:
Session 1 - Management Science and Innovation (BM21-306)
Presenter: Niloofar Etemadi
From: Corso Matteoti, Italy
Title: An ISM Modelling of Success Factors for Blockchain Adoption in a Cyber Secure Supply Chain 
Session 2 - Supply Chain and Management Engineering (BM21-314)
Presenter: Yash Madhwal
From: Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology ,Russia
Title: Logging Multi Component Supply Chain Production in Blockchain  
Session 3 - Blockchain Technology and Economic Development (BM21-644)
Presenter: Azzelarab zaoudi
From: ISCAE group, Morocco
Title: Measurement and benchmark of economic performance in the Mediterranean port sector 
Session 4 - Computer and Information Engineering (BM21-642)
Presenter: Milda Gustiana Husada
From: Institute Teknologi Nasional Bandung Indonesia, Indonesia
Title: Transfer Learning for Classification of Fruit Ripeness Using VGG16 



All the papers of ICCMB2021 has been published in the ICCMB 2021 conference Proceedings.
ICCMB2021 - ACM, ISBN: 978-1-4503-8861-0

ICCMB2021 Conference Proceedings-Cover

Papers of ICCMB 2021 are indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus!

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